Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Rant (do not read if you are easily offended)

Am I the only one who finds it extremely irritating that some Christians ignore every message of love and acceptance in the Bible to find one verse saying being gay/lesbian is bad? America is banning gay marriage. What (logical) reason is there for that besides what the Bible says? And isn't there a law keeping religion out of politics? Oh yes, there is, and a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD seems to know the constitution better than some congressmen. Also, did anyone ever notice that the Bible also condemns:
a.) gluttony. (There is a TON about this. Too bad, 90% of people I know...)
b.) divorce. (No one's paying attention to this, are they?)
c.) women braiding their hair and wearing jewelry. (Seriously, it does condemn this. Look it up.)
d.) saying "oh my God". (Second commandment, anyone? LOOK AT IT.)
Are we going to outlaw all of those, too? Oh no, we couldn't. For a.), naturally people have a right to eat what they want, however much they want. For b.), men and women have a right to end their marriage as they see fit. For c.), women have the right to wear what they want just like men, because all people are equal, after all. For d.) well, it's freedom of speech! A right of all Americans. so, what about the rights of people who are gay or lesbian? They can't help it, it's who they are! It's in their DNA! So why can't they marry who they want? The conclusion that I draw from this is that the people who say "being gay is against the Bible!" are homophobes and use selective reading to justify their bigotry. Fun fact: homosexuality exists in close to 1,500 species. Homophobia exists in only one. Which is unnatural now? (And before anyone comments asking "are you a lesbian, then?" no, I am not. If supporting gay rights makes me gay, then I guess supporting animal rights makes me a puppy.)
*deep breath* Okay, guys, I apologize for you having to read my rant. I know I probably didn't make any sense through most of that, and I hope I didn't offend anyone. It's just, some things set me off when I see them. Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. You just went against the Bible by saying this, LOL. It says women can't teach or speak out against men.
    And any religion other than Christianity seems to be considered "evil", "satanic", or "stupid" by a lot of people I know... (mostly my dad XD)
