Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Adventure of Sounding Like a Parrot

I am still sick, and I have now lost my voice to the point where I sound like a half-dead parrot who's just been elbowed in the throat. Of course my lovely language classmates think it's "my voice changing" because apparently they know nothing about how girl's puberty works. I've taken up sign language, and progress from knowing 5 curse words and "juggling" (BSL), and the letters e and r and the words "be" "my" "valentine" (ASL), to knowing the entire alphabet, and the words "idiot" and "sorry".
I was holding a conversation with Derpy through this medium (she's the only one who understands ASL) and it went sort of like this: (signing is in normal type, speaking is in italics)
Me: w-h-a-t i-s l-e-t-t-e-r b-e-f-o-r-e z
Her: Y?
Me: *nods*
Her: y
Me: t-h-a-n-k-s
also... (this was after a classmate showed a poster depicting the Seahawk, a fictional ship, that had the letters HMS in front of its name where it was printed on the side, I was being picky about facts)
Me: h-m-s i-s n-o-t r-i-
Her: G-h-t?
Me: *nods*
(In explanation, the Seahawk was an American merchant ship, therefore not belonging to any leader at all and certainly not to the King of England. HMS=His Majesty's Ship)
And when I got on my bus, where no one understands ASL, I had to talk, and I was overheard by a girl I know vaguely. She expressed confusion (and possible pity) over the state of my voice, and then asked me to say various things to see how it sounded. Sally informed me that I sounded better with my voice like this. She really is one for insulting people. After she got off the bus, I was talking to Yoghurt, and I kept breaking out in coughing fits (terribly sick, remember?). In the end, he actually expressed what I think might have been his version of genuine concern/sympathy, which was really pretty sweet. And I swear, if any of you who might be reading this blog mention to Yoghurt that I said that, I will hunt you down.

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