Thursday, February 9, 2012

Is This Bad?

I apparently zone out and look like I'm on hardcore drugs when I either listen to good music or have my back rubbed. I never noticed. Derpy finds it absolutely hilarious. This "discovery" (Derpy told me) has resulted in two things: Derpy randomly giving me back rubs and watching me fall over, looking like I'm having fun trippy dreams, and (ever since my language class discovered this) most of my language class randomly trying to yank out my headphones or pretend to steal my iPod while I'm listening to it to watch me glare and hiss (yes, I literally hiss, don't judge me). You see why I love junior high?


  1. I kinda wondered if you had some sort of fetish... I wonder if some of the students think I'm your lover? XD

  2. It's not a fetish, you it's a physiological/psychosomatic weakness. And knowing our classmates, probably.

    1. OMGG, you don't sound mad! (Eris thought you would be)
