Wednesday, February 29, 2012

And After the Long Absence...

I'm baaa~ack!
Yep, I decided to start posting again. Happy February 29, everyone! PSYCH STARTS TODAY!! And it's an extra-long episode! :D
Oh, and I'm sick. Stomach bug, which sucks. I'm better now, though.
I still have fifteen minutes until Psych comes on, so I'm derping around the internets, listening to songs in Russian, and playing Tetris. I got a score of 80% on it! Problem is, I don't know if that's good or bad >.<

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Adventure of Sounding Like a Parrot

I am still sick, and I have now lost my voice to the point where I sound like a half-dead parrot who's just been elbowed in the throat. Of course my lovely language classmates think it's "my voice changing" because apparently they know nothing about how girl's puberty works. I've taken up sign language, and progress from knowing 5 curse words and "juggling" (BSL), and the letters e and r and the words "be" "my" "valentine" (ASL), to knowing the entire alphabet, and the words "idiot" and "sorry".
I was holding a conversation with Derpy through this medium (she's the only one who understands ASL) and it went sort of like this: (signing is in normal type, speaking is in italics)
Me: w-h-a-t i-s l-e-t-t-e-r b-e-f-o-r-e z
Her: Y?
Me: *nods*
Her: y
Me: t-h-a-n-k-s
also... (this was after a classmate showed a poster depicting the Seahawk, a fictional ship, that had the letters HMS in front of its name where it was printed on the side, I was being picky about facts)
Me: h-m-s i-s n-o-t r-i-
Her: G-h-t?
Me: *nods*
(In explanation, the Seahawk was an American merchant ship, therefore not belonging to any leader at all and certainly not to the King of England. HMS=His Majesty's Ship)
And when I got on my bus, where no one understands ASL, I had to talk, and I was overheard by a girl I know vaguely. She expressed confusion (and possible pity) over the state of my voice, and then asked me to say various things to see how it sounded. Sally informed me that I sounded better with my voice like this. She really is one for insulting people. After she got off the bus, I was talking to Yoghurt, and I kept breaking out in coughing fits (terribly sick, remember?). In the end, he actually expressed what I think might have been his version of genuine concern/sympathy, which was really pretty sweet. And I swear, if any of you who might be reading this blog mention to Yoghurt that I said that, I will hunt you down.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I May Have Turned Up Something Cool

During my aimless browsing of the internet, I have discovered an interesting blog. Some British girl wrote it, I think. Here you go: Philosophy and Funny Shit
She seems to be a fellow pegasister, which is why I shall grace her website with its very own blog post. Brohoof! /)*(\ And on the subject of fun blogs: I'm a Ninja, I'm a Hoodie Ninja
This is Derpy's blog.

Monday, February 13, 2012


I am sick. This post is mostly to tell Fern, that's why I'm posting it so early. (Hi Fern. Pay attention to the maths teacher instead of browsing blogs for once even if you don't need to. See you tomorrow, hopefully.) I have a stuffy nose, stuffy head, headache, fatigue, and chills. Which most likely means that I should not be on the computer. Well, I miss all of you, bye.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Rant (do not read if you are easily offended)

Am I the only one who finds it extremely irritating that some Christians ignore every message of love and acceptance in the Bible to find one verse saying being gay/lesbian is bad? America is banning gay marriage. What (logical) reason is there for that besides what the Bible says? And isn't there a law keeping religion out of politics? Oh yes, there is, and a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD seems to know the constitution better than some congressmen. Also, did anyone ever notice that the Bible also condemns:
a.) gluttony. (There is a TON about this. Too bad, 90% of people I know...)
b.) divorce. (No one's paying attention to this, are they?)
c.) women braiding their hair and wearing jewelry. (Seriously, it does condemn this. Look it up.)
d.) saying "oh my God". (Second commandment, anyone? LOOK AT IT.)
Are we going to outlaw all of those, too? Oh no, we couldn't. For a.), naturally people have a right to eat what they want, however much they want. For b.), men and women have a right to end their marriage as they see fit. For c.), women have the right to wear what they want just like men, because all people are equal, after all. For d.) well, it's freedom of speech! A right of all Americans. so, what about the rights of people who are gay or lesbian? They can't help it, it's who they are! It's in their DNA! So why can't they marry who they want? The conclusion that I draw from this is that the people who say "being gay is against the Bible!" are homophobes and use selective reading to justify their bigotry. Fun fact: homosexuality exists in close to 1,500 species. Homophobia exists in only one. Which is unnatural now? (And before anyone comments asking "are you a lesbian, then?" no, I am not. If supporting gay rights makes me gay, then I guess supporting animal rights makes me a puppy.)
*deep breath* Okay, guys, I apologize for you having to read my rant. I know I probably didn't make any sense through most of that, and I hope I didn't offend anyone. It's just, some things set me off when I see them. Sorry.

Is This Bad?

I apparently zone out and look like I'm on hardcore drugs when I either listen to good music or have my back rubbed. I never noticed. Derpy finds it absolutely hilarious. This "discovery" (Derpy told me) has resulted in two things: Derpy randomly giving me back rubs and watching me fall over, looking like I'm having fun trippy dreams, and (ever since my language class discovered this) most of my language class randomly trying to yank out my headphones or pretend to steal my iPod while I'm listening to it to watch me glare and hiss (yes, I literally hiss, don't judge me). You see why I love junior high?

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I've been thinking about SOPA/PIPA, and I realized a few things. First: 90% of Americans put up with the government basically going to pot, and they freak out the MOMENT their internet is threatened. Second: I fall into the above 90%. THEY CAN TAKE OUR BASIC RIGHTS, OUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH, AND OUR ENTIRE COUNTRY'S LOGIC, BUT THEY CANNOT TAKE OUR INTERNET!! Third: ACTA will probably be worse. Four: I'm a little late in posting this, aren't I?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I have been building my reputation as a sweet, shy, nerdy girl. I wear my hair down, curly-messy, and a little in my face, I'm practicing "don't look at me" body language, and I wear simple clothes (soft-colored and very slightly dressy shirts, washed-out jeans, beat up tennis-shoes) and my beloved cardigan all the time. (Fern says that I shouldn't call it a cardigan, since that brings to mind Umbridge, but I just get funny looks if I call it what I want to call it, which is "jumper.")  Naturally, I still have my glasses, as I'm as blind as a bat, and they really help the image. I also try to answer in class often but in a very soft voice. Therefore, I can be a teacher's pet (so therefore rarely get in trouble) and get ignored by the idiots! Hooray for maniacal plans! In other news, a strange discovery: I seem to be developing a very slight cockney accent. Not a country accent, which is more expected as I live deep in the dreadful American south (I'm really a Northerner), but a British cockney accent. Not very much, but enough for me to notice. I suppose this is a sign that I watch to much British Telly, eh?

Documentary of Stuff

I'm bored. Again. So I think I shall give you a key to some of my body language, because in all the years everyone I know has known me, no one ever seems to have figured any of this out. Okay, so... list.
Twisting/tugging at my ponytail or a lock of hair: Anxious or worried about something
Fingers in sort of stiff claws: Really irritated but really can't do anything about it.
Jiggling my leg: Either working of energy, or feeling awkward, most likely both.
Eye twitching: Freaked out or irritated (generally this is reserved for if something is ridiculously stupid or creepily perverted).
Turning my torso back and forth: If I'm smiling kind of vaguely, I'm really, really happy or exited about something, if I'm not, I feel awkward.
Randomly grabbing and holding my arms or legs: Nervous or dreading something.
Twisting my hands: Same as above.
Mouth all tight into a line: Really, really mad.
Shoulders hunched and head down: Sulking or doesn't want to talk.
Looking at nothing in particular: Zoned out, thinking about something. If you are in my line of sight, seriously, look, because my eyes are all unfocused, I am NOT staring at you.
Talking very halted or very quickly and harshly: To angry to come up with sarcasm.
Laughing kind of loud with eyes a little unfocused: On the verge of mental breakdown from anger and frustration.
Laughing: Most likely faking, unless I can't seem to stop.
Laughing and sounding like a hamster having a seizure: I am actually laughing, and this rarely happens.
Smiling kind of vaguely: Really happy.
Smiling widely: Probably faking, but I might be exited about something, although probably not.
Ta da, that's the end of psychologically dissecting Kinoko's tics. Yay.