Saturday, January 28, 2012


Hello, readers. You know that old post "Pointless" where I said nothing ever happens to me? Well today, something did. Something happened. My life started mirroring BBC Sherlock. With me as John Watson, and Fern as Sherlock Holmes, and an acquaintance I haven't yet mentioned as Sally Donovan. I'm just going to call her "Sally Donovan" if I ever mention her again. I probably won't. Well, it started with me mentioning that Fern was staying over to Sally on the bus.
Sally: But you're not her friend.
Me: Huh?
Sally: She doesn't have friends.
Me: Yes she does.
Sally: You should stay away from her.
Me: Why?
Sally: She's crazy.
Me: She is my friend, Sally.
*bus stops and Sally goes to get off*
Sally: Just... stay away from Fern.

In other words, almost exactly the conversation between Sally and John in "A Study in Pink". I told Fern about it and she thought it was awesome, since I forced her to watch some BBC Sherlock and she loved it. We then proceeded to call each other John and Sherlock (me as John and her as Sherlock) and speak in English accents for half the day. And I wore a jumper, and Fern wore a black trench coat and blue scarf. BRITISH TELLY FTW!

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